Hi truly amazing mamas,
I’m writing to you from sunny Los Angeles where I live with my hubby (and high school sweetheart!) Erik, my oh-so-busy 2-year-old (a.k.a Handsome Henry), and our fluffy puppy, Lola. I’ve spent the last 10 years happily working in La La Land as a model, TV Host and actress. Walking the red carpet, working the sidelines for Fox Sports, shooting campaigns - you name it!
Then a chapter of NEW came along.
After giving birth to the love of my life, Henry, I really struggled with finding my new identity. I felt guilty for still wanting to work, having my own personal goals/aspirations, for hating my post-pregnancy body, and felt so much pressure to stay home with my baby. After two years of searching, I’ve yet to answer all my questions BUT I have come to a place where I’ve figured out a way to be both a MAMA and a MODEL - some days more gracefully than others.
“My hope is to shed light on this journey we’re all on of finding balance, self-love, and conquering that “Mom Guilt.”
The essence of my blog is the almost inevitable comedy that comes from my two worlds colliding. I’m either chasing my toddler around in workout clothes (no-make up, most likely with some sort of food/throw-up/crusty substance all over me)…OR all glammed up running around to casting calls.
In the pursuit of balance, I’ve fallen in LOVE with Yoga, which has taught me the importance of taking time to re-charge, quiet my mind and re-center. In the midst of the beautiful chaos that is MOTHERHOOD, my natural tendency is to question everything.
Instead of over-questioning, let’s choose to enjoy the journey and trust in ourselves. Ready, break! GO MAMAS, GO!