The Model Mama

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Ok my prayers were answered when the stork (I wish) delivered TWINS, and I was even more excited when I saw that they also delivered two huge boxes with the word “SNOO” printed on them. These storks must know that twins are a handful!!

Before my twin pregnancy, I had heard of the SNOO from close friends that raved about this fascinating invention – a bassinet based on decades of baby sleep science and designed with the latest innovative technology. I must admit, I was a tad skeptical when I heard of this new “Tesla of bassinets” since I didn’t have one with Henry (they weren’t invented yet). However, I was intrigued to learn more because I was very familiar with Dr. Harvey Karp - the man behind the SNOO. Dr. Karp famously authored, “The Happiest Baby on The Block.” This was our Bible with our first baby (and I think I have gifted the DVD over a dozen times to pregnant Mama friends). If you don’t know, Mamas, these is a need-to-know tip. Dr. Karp the most well-known pediatrician in the country, with the most practical advice and proven theories about newborn soothing techniques and the keys to getting them to SLEEP. His methodology, called “The 5 S’s”, is a game changer. If you're unfamiliar with this concept and your expecting or know someone that is… I suggest you RUN (don’t walk) to your Amazon account and order either his book, DVD, or buy the digital version on Amazon Prime TV. My husband and I watched this short DVD like 5x (back in 2015 when we watched DVDs) before and after Henry was born and I made our entire family watch it as well. I say all this because to fully appreciate the modern-day miracle that is the SNOO, the backstory on the science and the methods is crucial!

Fast forward to a couple years later to when I am pregnant with twins, Dr. Karp has brought his genius theory to life with a baby bed that automatically implements the 5-S’s (which allow your baby - or “babies” in my case - to turn on their calming reflex and self-soothe). Mamas everywhere: meet the SNOO, the world’s first Smart Sleeper that’s SAFE, effective, and even super sleek looking (oh hey girl, hey!).

So how does it work, you ask? Get ready, Mamas… This bassinet actually boosts a baby’s sleep by imitating all the sensations (the 5’s) of the womb! And the most amazing part, The SNOO senses your baby’s movement/sounds and automatically implements the 5 S’s as-needed, ALL ON ITS OWN! It combines the swinging (or “swaying”) motion and shushing white noise to soothe your baby peacefully back to sleep – it is truly amazing. And by helping your baby get more sleep, it helps new parents get more sleep as well. It is truly designed to solve the #1 new parent struggle: exhaustion… Can I get a hallelujah!

When I found out I had not one but TWO babies on the way (OMG), I swear my second thought was - ummmm how do I get my hands on double SNOOs. As fate would have it, I had the opportunity to collaborate with Dr. Karp’s company, The Happiest Baby, and was gifted two of our very own to try and review for all my modern mama babes. Thank you, sleep Gods :)

Instead of me continuing to sing SNOO praises (I could go on for dayzzzz), I thought the most interesting and informative way to share additional insights about the smartest bassinet on the market would be to do a Q+A with The Happiest Babies’ very own in-house sleep expert. Without further ado, here’s my interview:

- Q+ A with SNOO Sleep Expert -

1.) Top tips for getting a newborn to sleep at night?

The reason newborns struggle with sleep is because they’re used to the motion, snug feeling, and whooshing sounds of the womb…so once they arrive in the world, it feels unnatural for them to lay still in silence. Womb sensations can help trigger a baby’s calming reflex, which is essentially a baby’s “off” switch for crying. That’s why it’s so important to recreate these sounds, motions, and feelings throughout a baby’s 4th trimester

To re-create a womb-like environment at home, use Dr. Karp’s 5 S’s

  1. Swaddle: Swaddling recreates the snug surroundings of the womb. 

  2. Side or Stomach Position: The back is the ONLY safe position for sleeping, but it’s the worst position for calming fussiness. This S can be activated by holding a baby on her side, on her stomach or over your shoulder as you calm her (but you’ll want to put her on her back to sleep). 

  3. Shush: In the womb, the sound of the blood flow is a shush louder than a vacuum! The best way to imitate these magic sounds is white noise.

  4. Swing: Life in the womb is very jiggly. Slow rocking is fine for keeping quiet babies calm, but you fast, tiny motions are best for soothing a crying infant. 

  5. Suck: Many fussy babies relax into a deep tranquility when they suck. Many babies calm easier with a pacifier.

You can see the 5 S’s in action in this streaming video

2.) Why does your swaddle work better than other swaddles on the market?

Swaddling gives babies the snug embrace they love in the womb. Dr. Karp led the swaddling revolution back when he introduced the best-selling Happiest Baby on the Block. So, parents can trust that his many decades of experience and research have gone into his SNOO Sack and Sleepea designs! An inner-arm wrap keeps even little escape artists snug all night long, and the double-zipper allows for quick middle-of-the night diaper changes are a breeze. Plus, made with 100% organic cotton and ventilated at the legs and shoulders, our swaddles are super-soft and breathable, so babies stay comfy for longer…meaning everyone sleeps better!

3.) How long do you suggest swaddling a baby? And what do you say to the people who say that their baby doesn’t like to be swaddled? 

Swaddling should stop when your baby can roll. This can happen as early as 2 months. However, swaddling actually helps prevent rolling to the stomach (a SIDS risk factor), so you don't want to stop too soon. The good news is that SNOO features a built-in swaddle that prevents rolling, allowing parents to safely swaddle babies for up to 6 months.  You can learn more about when to stop swaddling your baby here!

If your baby seems to hate being wrapped, there are a few things to try before giving up on swaddling: 

  • Make sure you’re swaddling correctly. When babies fight swaddling, it’s often because they’re not being swaddled correctly. Here’s a quick guide to how to swaddle a baby

  • Try a tighter swaddle. One study found that babies cry more if they’re wrapped loosely! The secret is swaddling the arms snugly, while leaving room for the knees and hips to bend and open easily.  

  • Try swaddling with straight arms. Swaddling with bent arms can make it easier for a baby to wriggle free and disturb themselves. 

  • Make sure the swaddle or blanket isn’t touching your baby’s face. This can set off your little one’s rooting reflex…which can make her feel frustrated, since your nipple isn’t actually within reach.

  • Make sure your blanket is big enough! Smaller blankets will unravel more easily. Use a blanket at least 44 inches. 

4.) How do you transition out of the SNOO to crib? 

Once your baby hits 5 or 6 months, you can begin to wean your little one from SNOO…and it takes just three easy steps! 


  1. Free the arms: Let one of your baby’s arms out of the SNOO Sack (there are snap openings at the shoulders) and see how your baby sleeps. If she is startling herself awake, go back to both arms swaddled and try again in a week. Once you have a few good nights of good sleep with one arm out, free the other arm. 

  2. Turn on the Weaning feature: About a week before you want to transition your baby into the crib, go into your app settings and toggle on the "Weaning" option. In this mode your baby gets the white noise she loves, but without the motion. However, if your lovebug cries, SNOO responds as usual (with motion + sound) until your baby is soothed. 

  3. Move to the crib: Once your baby is in the crib, keep using white noise for all nights and naps. 

5.) What do you suggest for when you go on vacation and your babies are used to sleeping in the SNOO at home, what do you recommend doing while away from SNOO?

You’ll want to recreate as many of the sleep cues your baby loves about SNOO in your new space, including a snug swaddle (our Sleepea is perfect for babies used to snoozing in our SNOO Sack) and low, rumbly white noise. 

6.) Is there anything you recommend parents do during the day to help their babies sleep better at night?

A good night’s sleep actually starts…in the morning! To help your baby sleep better at night:

  • Get some sunlight during the day (it’s especially helpful to catch some rays before noon!).

  • Use sound and motion during the day—put your little one in a sling and go for a long walk; make sure you’re using swaddling and white noise during naps. 

  • Stick to a flexible schedule. This will keep your babe’s bedtime on track and prevent her from getting overtired.