The Model Mama

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Happy New Year, Mamas! I hope your 2 0 1 9 is off to a fantastic start. I’ve taken a little break from this series on The Model Mama Show, but I couldn’t be more excited to bring back my Feature Friday Episodes with the debut of one truly incredible mama, Shelton Wilder. She’s a Luxury Real Estate Expert, former celebrity stylist, and the founder of the Shemie, which landed her on ABC’s hit show, Shark Tank. Most importantly, this mega-babe is also a devoted and loving Mama to her two little boys, Beau and Lane.

I actually met Shelton over six years ago back when she was launching her undergarment clothing line called, The Shemie (I was her model for their campaign!). We had way too much fun working together and have been friends ever since. I’ve loved watching her pivot many times in her career and transition so beautifully through various life stages with her two boys. I was super excited to share her story on my show… She has contagious energy and passion for everything she does. You will all fall head-over-heels for her and undoubtedly start tuning into to her popular “Wilder Wednesday” segments for everything you need to know to stay on top of the real estate market.

This southern belle is so honest, down-to-earth, and hilarious about her transition from fashion, to starting her own company, to working in high-end real estate. All while navigating being a Mama of two. Honestly, I don’t know how she does it all… but she does it with grace, a sense of humor and so much style! I had way too much fun chatting with Shelton… tune in below for all her insights and positive perspective.

WATCH OUR FULL INTERVIEW HERE. Pull up a chair, kick your feet up, grab your sparkly h2o and join our real conversation about juggling it all: motherhood, being an entrepreneur, and how to enjoy the journey

Some of my FAVORITE takeaways from Shelton:

+ How to pivot your career? Think about what you loved most about your previous job(s) – this will most likely be some aspect that best draws on your strengths. Know what this is.

+ The key to success is creating deadlines.

+ Have a Mentor or two.

+ Decide want you want and go for it!

+ You can press the rest button at any moment.

+ Team work makes the dream work.